About me

My name is Ruben Hijar
I am passionate about the night sky. I live in Tlajomulco de Zuniga, Jalisco, Mexico. In the suburbs of the city of Guadalajara.
Where I live, heaven has 5 or 6 on the bortle scale.

When I was a child, on clear, moonless nights, I liked to look at the stars and imagine things. For those same days the series Cosmos by Carl Sagan was on TV. Which increased my interest in astronomy.

When I was older my father entered the Astronomical Association of Guadalajara, where he built his first 8-inch Newton telescope. It was then when he invited me to an astronomical camp outside the city to see the rain of stars, specifically the leonidas. The place we went to had the scale of bortle 2, it was a very dark sky and what could be seen with the naked eye was impressive. Never in my life had I seen such a sky.

This camp was what I needed to decide to buy my first telescope. Which do not buy until many years later.

My first telescope was for visual observation. A refractor 90 / 900. But do not delay in obtaining a Newton dobson of 200 mm F5 Today I have equipment for visual observation and astrophotography. Almost all the images that I take are in the garden of my house.

With this website what I'm looking for is to share with other amateur astronomers what I'm learning. And share with the people in general the wonders that are in the sky and that we vote to see up again as our ancestors did. To realize how small we are, that humanity lives in a little boat in the middle of a great cosmic ocean. We have to take care of our little boat because if it sinks there is nowhere else to go.


Clear skies.
Ruben Hijar

AstroGDL 2025